War against corona virus-part two

Strengths and weakness of our enemy

2 min readDec 17, 2020

Strengths are the advantages of our opponent and weakness are the ways we can stop them a way to stop them.

Their strengths are:-

  1. They are new of their kind and we have no weapon to kill them.
  2. They are so small that they are invisible.
  3. They are spreading quite quickly.
  4. They are similar to their relative common cold hence most people can not differentiate and ignore it.

Our Strategies:-

  1. Washing our hands with soap at least for 20 seconds.
  2. Stay at home #quarantine
  3. Maintain social distancing
  4. Maintain proper hygiene
  5. wear a mask if you have any symptoms or if you go to public places.

Should we hide like cowards? No, we just have to fight from our camp base(home)so we stay out of their range. Also, we have to keep a strong border around and near our camp. How? By following the above protocols.

Myth busters

We have to make sure our facts are right so we do not hurt ourselves. It is like knowing which way to hold a gun. So, here are some rumors you should not follow:-

Heat does not kill the Virus

The virus is not life long it can recover on its own.

Garlic does not kill the virus

Drinking or spraying alcohol does not help

