Memes are medicine

2 min readApr 17, 2020

Why do most people just loves memes and what is memes ?

“Meme” was initially coined by biologist, author and renowned atheist, Richard Dawkins in his famous book, ‘The Selfish Gene’. He defines it as a replicator, a noun that conveys the idea of a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation. The rise of the meme has changed the way social media impacts users.

Do you know why people like Meme? I do not so let’s find out. But before that here are some memes for you.

We live in the age of social media.We tend to be on social medial most of the day.Memes are jokes written with a supportive picture.They are hard to understand without the picture plus the picture makes it funnier. Sharing memes is a way we do not feel alone.Psychologists say that when we see a meme we can agree or relate to we fill a sense of identification and we or you find out your friends can also relate to it you do not feel alone.

Are memes good for health?

Remember that old saying “laughing is a medicine which will keep you alive for a 100 years”. Well that is true and you can not laugh for no reason at all right (unless you are a crazy mad person). So hence memes act like medicine which makes you laugh and keeps you happy.

When you come across any thing relatable it also has an impact on your thinking ability.When you find something funny or legit true the biochemistry in our brain changes. They also make you feel at peace and even reduce anxiety. Did you think those small memes could do so much and are equivalent to doctors or medicine?

